M1 Garand Spares Kits

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Gift Certificates Available

g6a.JPG G6a, Bolt Rebuild Kit $74.95 G6a Quantity:
g98a.jpg G98a, Spring Kit

New Expanded Kit!!
Complete kit.

Quantity   1      2+  
Price $29.95 $27.95
G98a Quantity:
g98b.JPG G98b, Screw Kit

This kit no longer includes the G38A stock ferrule screw. Photo to be updated.

$7.50 G98b Quantity:
g98c.JPG G98c, Pin Kit $12.50 G98c Quantity:
g99a.JPG G99a, Complete Recommended spare parts kit.

New Expanded Kit

$114.95 G99a Quantity:

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M1 Garand Spares Kits

tele: 631 205 1299
fax: 631 205 0353
email: Michael@m1garand.com
Postal address:
P.O. Box 1592
Rocky Pt., NY 11778-1592
Shipping and retail store address:
1542 Rocky Point Rd.
Middle Island, NY 11953