M1 Garand Ammunition

Page last updated 2/15/2025

Sellier & Bellot 30-06 150 Grain FMJ. 


1st quality Sellier & Bellot ammunition made with the finest components.  USGI 150 Grain M2 Ball loading and custom loaded by S&B  for your M1 Garand, 1903/1903A3, and other .30 Cal. firearms such as BAR, and Browning MGs.  Boxer primed, annealed brass case, non-corrosive, non-magnetic projectile, Extremely accurate in all the guns we extensively tested it in.  Great brass to reload.  Manufactured to the highest quality standards. Some of the best M2 ball on the market!!!!

20 round boxes $24.99 in stock!!

200 rounds (10 boxes of 20 ) $229.99  in stock!!

400 round case ( 20 boxes ) $449.99 in stock!!


30-06 Priv Partizan New Commercial Ball ammo.  150 Grain FMJ Special M1 Garand Loading.

1st quality Serbian ammo made with the finest components.  Boxer primed, annealed brass case, non-corrosive, non-magnetic projectile, great brass to reload.  Manufactured especially for M1 Garand Rifles but can be used in any rifle chambered for the 30-06 round!

200 Rounds ( 10 boxes of 20 )   Sold out!

200 Rounds packed on brand new 8 rd clips.  (25 loaded clips) Sold out!

500 Rounds packed in sealed air and water tight GI style can.  Packed 20 rounds per box, 25 boxes.    Sold out!




All Ammunition Orders please read below.

Sorry, no ammunition shipments to the following:

Alaska, Hawaii, Washington DC. 

New York:  Due to the NY Safe Act,  ammunition to New York STATE residents must be shipped to your dealer and you may also come to our showroom to pick up your ammo and save on shipping.

California: Ammunition must be shipped to an authorized dealer and we need a copy of their FFL before the ammunition will be shipped.

How To Order…Please call 631 205 1299 during our normal business hours.  We do not have a shopping cart at this time set up to take ammunition orders but we are currently working on it!

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